

01-09-2022 - 12:41

Global tobacco company and municipality apiculture department hired ArcticStores to prevent the harmful effects of insect pests

ArcticStore is a unique product when you need to eradicate the bad bugs. TITAN Turkey organized two separate ArcticStore deliveries on September 1st for similar purposes. One of these deliveries is for a global tobacco company that 40’ ArcticStore will be used in order to kill bad bugs exist in tobacco bales. Another delivery is for a city municipality apiculture department that we support for “Clean Honeycombs Project”. 40’ ArcticStore will be used to prevent bugs effects into the honeycombs. Both ArcticStore units were set to -40 C for this special purpose.


ArcticStore models are commonly hired by agricultural foundations, tobacco companies even museums and hotels for eradicating of bugs that exist into various products.


For more information and to get a quote you can contact us.

